Results for 'Garvin L. Holman'

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  1.  18
    Some invariances of the isosensitivity function and their implications for the utility function of money.Eugene Galanter & Garvin L. Holman - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (3):333.
  2. Phenomenal concepts as bare recognitional concepts: harder to debunk than you thought, …but still possible.Emmett L. Holman - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (3):807-827.
    A popular defense of physicalist theories of consciousness against anti-physicalist arguments invokes the existence of ‘phenomenal concepts’. These are concepts that designate conscious experiences from a first person perspective, and hence differ from physicalistic concepts; but not in a way that precludes co-referentiality with them. On one version of this strategy phenomenal concepts are seen as (1) type demonstratives that have (2) no mode of presentation. However, 2 is possible without 1-call this the ‘bare recognitional concept’ view-and I will argue (...)
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    Is the physical world colourless?Emmett L. Holman - 1979 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 57 (4):295-304.
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    Panpsychism and the mind-body problem in contemporary analytic philosophy.Emmett L. Holman - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):251-269.
    Not so long ago, the idea that analytic philosophers would be taking panpsychism seriously would have been hard to believe. That is because in its early, logical positivist, stage, the analytic movement earned the reputation of being militantly anti-metaphysical. But analytic philosophy has come a long way since the heyday of logical positivism; and, in fact, the dialectic of recent debates on the mind–body problem among analytic philosophers has pushed many of them in the direction of panpsychism. In this paper, (...)
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    Intension, identity, and the colourless physical world: A revision and further discussion.Emmett L. Holman - 1981 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59 (2):203 – 205.
    (1981). Intension, identity, and the Colourless Physical World: A revision and further discussion. Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 203-205.
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  6. Till Jesus Comes: Origins of Christian Apocalyptic Expectation.Charles L. Holman - 1996
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  7. Color Eliminativism and Color Experience.Emmett L. Holman - 2002 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83 (1):38-56.
    Anyone who is a color eliminativist‐i.e., believes that the physical world is colorless‐must explain how our sense experience of color can be so systematically illusory. As it turns out, it is difficult to do this without committing oneself to dualism. In this paper I explore the options available to the color eliminativist in this regard, and argue that his/her prospects are more promising, though still far from certain, if s/he adopts the position that sense experience is strictly intentional.
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    American Indian Languages: A Laboratory for Linguistic Methodology.Paul L. Garvin - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (3):257-260.
  9.  22
    Verbal framing of statistical evidence drives children’s preference inferences.Laura E. Garvin & Amanda L. Woodward - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):35-48.
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  10. Dualism and secondary quality eliminativism.Emmett L. Holman - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (2):229--56.
    Frank Jackson formulated his knowledge argument as an argument for dualism. In this paper I show how the argument can be modified to also establish the irreducibility of the secondary qualities to the properties of physical theory, and ultimately "secondary quality eliminativism"- the view that the secondary qualities are physically uninstantiated.
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    The Design of an Explicit Epistemology.Paul L. Garvin - 1982 - Semiotics:335-342.
  12. Maxwell and materialism.Emmett L. Holman - 1986 - Synthese 66 (March):505-14.
    In a recent article, Grover Maxwell presents a case for a kind of mind-brain identity theory which he claims precludes materialism. His case is based on some views about meaning which I find plausible. However, I will argue that, by adopting certain assumptions about the nature of sensory experience, and extending some of Maxwell's views about meaning in a plausible way, the issue of a materialistic identity theory is reopened. Ultimately, I will agree that such a theory is not true, (...)
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    Sensory experience, epistemic evaluation and perceptual knowledge.Emmett L. Holman - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (September):173-187.
  14.  52
    Sensory experience, perceptual evidence and conceptual frameworks.Emmett L. Holman - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (2):99-108.
  15.  15
    Linguistics and Semiotics.Paul L. Garvin - 1977 - Semiotica 20 (1-2).
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    Continuity and the metaphysics of dualism.Emmett L. Holman - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (March):197-204.
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  17. Qualia, Kripkean arguments, and subjectivity.Emmett L. Holman - 1987 - Philosophy Research Archives 13:411-29.
    The subjectivity of consciousness is widely regarded as a major stumbling block for materialist theories of mind. In this paper I show how Kripkean arguments against identity theories , and in particular a Kripkean argument against qualia-material property identity developed by Frank Jackson are a way of highlighting this problem. As such, Kripkean arguments are akin to recent discussions of subjectivity by Thomas Nagel and Frank Jackson . I then consider some recent attempts to refute Kripkean arguments or otherwise show (...)
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  18.  43
    Russellianism and the Quotational Model of Phenomenal Concepts.Emmett L. Holman - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40:41-61.
    A popular defense of physicalist theories of consciousness against anti-physicalist arguments is the “phenomenal concept strategy”. According to PCS there are phenomenal concepts that designate phenomenal properties, and whose use requires adopting the first person perspective with respect to those properties, thus allowing an epistemic gap between the phenomenal and the physical without requiring a metaphysical gap. One version of PCS is the quotational version, according to which phenomenal concepts are in part constituted by the very properties they designate. The (...)
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  19.  73
    The problem of theory-Laden perception.Emmett L. Holman - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 35 (1):91 - 99.
  20.  31
    Empirical Knowledge. [REVIEW]Emmett L. Holman - 1989 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (4):832-834.
    This is an enormously ambitious book. The author not only develops a theory of empirical knowledge, but also develops a theory of reference, argues for both metaphysical and scientific realism, and deals with numerous subsidiary issues. He is extremely thorough in considering and critically discussing alternative views, and very careful and meticulous in the presentation and defense of his own. The book is also rich in interesting and occasionally ingenious ideas. It will make rewarding reading for anyone interested in these (...)
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  21.  27
    Language and Truth. [REVIEW]Emmett L. Holman - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (2):383-385.
    This is a work in the ordinary language tradition that develops what the author regards as a neo-Wittgensteinian account of truth. While conceding to P. F. Strawson that the term 'true' is sometimes used non-descriptively, Hallett is more interested in elucidating its descriptive use. His centerpiece for doing this, arrived at about midway through the book, is his "principle of relative similarity" : "for a statement of fact, or informative utterance, to be true it suffices that its use of terms (...)
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    Russell's Naturalistic Turn.Ned S. Garvin - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (1):36-51.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Russell's Naturalistic Turn 37 INTRODUCTION L RUSSELL'S NATURALISTIC TURN RUSSELI.?S NATURALISTIC TURN NED S. GARVIN Philosophy I Albion College Albion, MI 49224 I Quine, Ontological Relativity (New York: Columbia U. P., 1969), p. 83. 1 Russell advocated this hypothetical acceptance of science much earlier, e.g., in AMa, pp. 398-9. Here we have many of the hallmarks of naturalized epistemology: (I) fallibilism, (2) the "best theory" account of science, (...)
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    Book Review: Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy Edited by Shauna L. Shames, Rachel I. Bernhard, Mirya R. Holman, and Dawn Langan Teele. [REVIEW]Tiffany D. Barnes - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (1):152-154.
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  24. DISABILITY, PAIN AND MEDICINE IN EARLY CHRISTIANITY - (S.R.) Holman, (C.L.) de Wet, (J.L.) Zecher (edd.) Disability, Medicine, and Healing Discourse in Early Christianity. New Conversations for Health Humanities. Pp. viii + 186. London and New York: Routledge, 2024. Cased, £130, US$170. ISBN: 978-0-367-52100-4. - (H.) Rhee Illness, Pain, and Health Care in Early Christianity. Pp. xvi + 351. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2022. Cased, US$49.99. ISBN: 978-0-8028-7684-3. [REVIEW]Alexandra F. Morris - forthcoming - The Classical Review:1-3.
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  25. Metaphysics as modeling: the handmaiden’s tale.L. A. Paul - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 160 (1):1-29.
    Critics of contemporary metaphysics argue that it attempts to do the hard work of science from the ease of the armchair. Physics, not metaphysics, tells us about the fundamental facts of the world, and empirical psychology is best placed to reveal the content of our concepts about the world. Exploring and understanding the world through metaphysical reflection is obsolete. In this paper, I will show why this critique of metaphysics fails, arguing that metaphysical methods used to make claims about the (...)
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    Scalable and explainable legal prediction.L. Karl Branting, Craig Pfeifer, Bradford Brown, Lisa Ferro, John Aberdeen, Brandy Weiss, Mark Pfaff & Bill Liao - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (2):213-238.
    Legal decision-support systems have the potential to improve access to justice, administrative efficiency, and judicial consistency, but broad adoption of such systems is contingent on development of technologies with low knowledge-engineering, validation, and maintenance costs. This paper describes two approaches to an important form of legal decision support—explainable outcome prediction—that obviate both annotation of an entire decision corpus and manual processing of new cases. The first approach, which uses an attention network for prediction and attention weights to highlight salient case (...)
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    X IS A JOURNEY: Embodied Simulation in Metaphor Interpretation.L. David Ritchie - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (3):174-199.
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    L’ordre juridique de la société multinationale.Christopher L. Baker - 2013 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 56:71-90.
    Les États cheminent entre concurrence et convergence, les entreprises trans-nationales entre opportunisme et autorégulation. Il est futile d’imaginer qu’un ordre unifié et stable émerge de cette tension. Le monde normatif des entreprises transnationales doit plutôt être compris en appréhendant la direction de ses changements, et non pas en cher-chant à trouver un état d’équilibre. Pour l’auteur, les convections essentielles relèvent tant des efforts des États pour ajuster leur pouvoir normatif et promouvoir leur attractivité dans un monde globalisé, que de la (...)
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  29. L'Esprit Synthétique de la Chine.L. Kia-Hway - 1961
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  30. Vers une philosophie de l'esprit ou de la totalité.Henri-L. Miéville - 1937 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  31. L'idée de responsabilité.L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1885 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 20:194-203.
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    Habermas. Editor, Jason L. Powell.Jason L. Powell (ed.) - 2012 - Nova Science Publishers.
    Biography of Habermas -- Critical theory -- Habermas and his works -- An assessment of the impact of Habermas -- Conclusion.
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    The Importance of a Disability/Handicap Distinction.L. Nordenfelt - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (6):607-622.
    This paper continues a discussion concerning the distinction between disability and handicap initiated in this volume by Steven D. Edwards. Edwards argues that the reasons advanced by the WHO for this distinction in its International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) are not valid. Edwards also criticizes my own quite different grounds for distinguishing between the two concepts. His general conclusion is that the distinction is superfluous. In this paper I claim that Edwards's reasoning is invalid. I present five (...)
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  34. The conscious cell.L. Margulis - 2001 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 929:55-70.
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    The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in Special Relativity.L. Gavassino - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1554-1586.
    We critically revisit the definition of thermal equilibrium, in its operational formulation, provided by standard thermodynamics. We show that it refers to experimental conditions which break the covariance of the theory at a fundamental level and that, therefore, it cannot be applied to the case of moving bodies. We propose an extension of this definition which is manifestly covariant and can be applied to the study of isolated systems in special relativity. The zeroth law of thermodynamics is, then, proven to (...)
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  36. La holologia come progetto di metafisica descrittiva. Le parti e l'intero nella concezione di Aristotele. I'.L. Dappiano - forthcoming - Axiomathes.
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    A Christian View of “Faith” in God.L. Scott Smith - 2019 - Philotheos 19 (1):5-21.
    While central to the Christian religion, the act of faith has been notoriously difficult to define. This essay is an attempt to illuminate, with the aid of insights from cognitive science and process philosophy, what it means for a Christian to have faith, specifically in God. In doing so, the apriori and aposteriori aspects of faith are explored, along with its connections to science and empirical evidence, revelation, knowledge, doubt, morality, and additional Christian beliefs.
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  38. A Short History of British Psychology, 1840-1940.L. S. Hearnshaw - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (3):352-353.
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  39. La phénoménologie et la théorie de l'abstraction selon Jacques Maritain in Jacques Maritain philosophe dans la cité.L. Charette - 1985 - Philosophica.(Ottawa) 28:103-112.
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  40. Galileo Galilei: A Biography and Inquiry into his Philosophy of Science.L. Geymonat - 1965
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    (1 other version)Mind, Meaning and Mathematics. Essays on the Philosophy of Husserl and Frege.L. Haaparanta (ed.) - 1994 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    At the turn of the century, Gottlob Frege and Edmund Husserl both participated in the discussion concerning the foundations of logic and mathematics. Since the 1960s, comparisons have been made between Frege's semantic views and Husserl's theory of intentional acts. In quite recent years, new approaches to the two philosophers' views have appeared. This collection of articles opens with the first English translation of Dagfinn Føllesdal's early classic on Husserl and Frege of 1958. The book brings together a number of (...)
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  42. Duane L. Cady -- backing into pacifism.Duane L. Cady - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (3-4):173-180.
  43.  7
    Діяльність євангельських християн у польщі.L. Borodynska - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:145-153.
    Активні сучасні протестантські течії створюють до своїх найгірших мінусів. Однієї з найбільших пізньопротестантських спільнот в сучасній Україні є євангельські християни-баптисти. Ця течія існує на українських землях, вже існує сто років. На думку Радянського Союзу і на сучасному етапі громадського життя євангельські християни і баптистів дотримуються спільної діяльності церкви. На перших етапах це було дуже успішно, і вони були складені в склад. Зауважимо, що й ніні на польських нечісній громаді громади євангельських християн діють окремо від баптистів. В Україні та упродовж 1992 (...)
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  44. Conceptions monistique et dualistique de l'univers stellaire.C. V. L. Charlier - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):77.
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    Damascius: Traité des premiers principes, 3 vols.L. G. Westerink - 1986 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Damaskios.
    v. 1. De l'ineffable et de l'Un -- v. 2. De la triade et de l'unifié -- v. 3. De la procession.
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  46. Reflections and Moral Maxims [Tr. By L.D.] with an Essay by Sainte-Beuve, and Notes.Francois La Rochefoucauld & D. L. - 1871
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    Католицька біоетика як моральний регулятор людського вчинку.L. M. Pohorila - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:96-106.
    After a time of scientific discoveries, technological revolutions and cultural upheavals, after a time of elevation of the human genius to the highest peaks, it was time for deep anxiety for his own fragile future and the realization of the rather fragile state of many seemingly settled things. The development of the information space leads to the practice of mass indignation of the population, especially of children and adolescents, misunderstandings on the basis of economic and social achievements give rise to (...)
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  48.  11
    Debates in the Metaphysics of Time.L. Nathan Oaklander (ed.) - 2014 - London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    A selection of lively debates in the philosophy of time that outline, defend and object to contemporary issues in metaphysics, consciousness and God.
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    Address Delivered on September 16th, 1946, at the University of Amsterdam by Professor L. E. J. Brouwer on the Conferment upon Professor G. Mannoury of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science. [REVIEW]L. E. J. Brouwer - 1947 - Synthese 6 (3/4):190 - 194.
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    Elements de logique mathematique - theorie des modeles: par G. Kreisel et J.L. Krivine.Georg Kreisel & J. L. Krivine - 1967 - Dunod.
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